Renee Rapp Height, Net Worth, Age, Wiki, Bio, Family and more.


Renee Rapp, a skilled American entertainer, has influenced different media stages. Her depiction of Regina George in the famous Mean Young ladies melodic on Broadway exhibited her acting ability as well as cemented her situation as a rising star. This achievement deciphered onto the big screen with her depiction of the notable job in the 2024 film variation.

Past her dramatic accomplishments, Rapp has likewise cut out a specialty for herself as an impressive melodic ability. Her EP “Everything to Everyone” and her introduction collection “Snow Heavenly messenger” have gotten acclaim for their genuine verses and enamoring tunes. Moreover, Rapp has wandered into the domain of TV, spellbinding crowds with her presentation in the hit satire series “The Experiences of School Young ladies.”

With her different gifts and obvious appeal, Renee Rapp keeps on dazzling crowds and have an enduring effect in the realm of diversion.

How tall is Renee Rapp?

At 5 feet 7 inches, Renee Rapp has a telling presence that deciphers consistently onto both stage and screen. Her level adds fundamentally to her enthralling persona, improving her capacity to order consideration and spellbind crowds. Past her vocal gifts and acting ability, Rapp’s actual qualities bring an additional layer of charm and flexibility to her exhibitions, making her a champion presence in media outlets.

Measurement TypeHeight
Centimeters (cm)170.18 centimeters
Millimeters (mm)1701.8 millimeters
Feet and Inches5 feet 7 inches

Who is Renee Rapp?

Renee Rapp’s excursion to fame follows back to her underlying foundations in Huntersville, North Carolina. At first leveling up her abilities at Hopewell Secondary School, she caused disturbances in the theater program while likewise exhibiting her gifts in the varsity ladies’ golf crew. Notwithstanding, it was at the Northwest School of Human expressions where her actual potential genuinely sparkled.

Under the bearing of her theater instructor, Corey Mitchell, Rapp’s exceptional vocal limits and ability to convey affirmed sentiments enchanted swarms. Her top dog presentation secured her the regarded Best Performer award at the 2018 Blumey Awards, meaning a basic second in her growing calling.

Renee Rapp’s Wiki

NameRenee Rapp
Nick NameRenee
Date of BirthJanuary 10, 2000
Age24 Years
Height5 feet 7 inches

Renee Rapp’s Age

Brought into the world on January 10, 2000, Renee Jane Rapp is presently 24 years of age starting around 2024. Regardless of her generally youthful age, she lastingly affects media outlets. Prestigious for her complex gifts, Rapp has taken huge steps as a vocalist, lyricist, and entertainer.

Her quick ascent features her amazing abilities as well as her enduring devotion and energy for her art. With each task, Rapp keeps on setting her situation as an exceptional power in the realm of diversion, charming crowds with her ability and magnetism.

Renee Rapp’s Early life and Education

Brought into the world on January 10, 2000, in Huntersville, North Carolina, US, Renee Rapp started her excursion toward distinction. At first, she sought after her schooling in North Carolina, going to secondary school prior to taking a huge action to the lofty Northwest School of Human expression. It was at this eminent foundation where Rapp’s abilities thrived, especially in the field of acting. Her wonderful capacities acquired her boundless approval, coming full circle in her huge triumph as the beneficiary of the Best Entertainer grant at the lofty Blumey Grants.

Renee Rapp’s Family

While keeping a degree of security in her own life, Renee Rapp coordinates the spotlight towards her expert process. Brought into the world on January 10, 2000, she left on her instructive way at Hopewell Secondary School in North Carolina. It was during her time at the Northwest School of Artistic expressions that her enthusiasm for theater bloomed under the direction of her regarded theater teacher. This significant period denoted the start of Rapp’s climb in the realm of performing expressions, laying the basis for her future undertakings.

Renee Rapp’s Nationality and Ethinicity

Renee Rapp, an American performer, gladly flaunts a different ethnic legacy including German, Irish, Clean, Italian, Hungarian, and logical Slovak beginnings, adding a remarkable flavor to her specialty. This mix of personalities and ethnicities fills in as a lively range from which Rapp draws motivation, imbuing her exhibitions with a rich embroidery of social impacts.

Whether typifying the accuracy of German depictions or diverting the searing energy intrinsic in her Italian lineage, Rapp’s multi-ethnic foundation imbues every one of her jobs with profundity and validness. Her capacity to explore different social points of view enhances the intricacy of her characters as well as concretes her status as a champion ability inside the business.

Renee Rapp’s Personal life

Renee Rapp keeps her own life generally hidden, including her ongoing relationship status. Right now, there isn’t a lot of data accessible about her own undertakings. To remain refreshed on any new turns of events or insights concerning Rapp’s own life, intrigued people are urged to look at her virtual entertainment profiles or late meetings where she could share experiences into her own life.

Renee Rapp’s Career

Renee Rapp’s profession soar higher than ever in 2018, denoting a significant achievement with her Best Entertainer succeed at the Blumey Grants. Her uncommon ability gathered further praise at the Jimmy Grants in New York City, where she secured the Best Execution by an Entertainer title alongside a $10,000 grant.

Thusly, Rapp’s star kept on ascending as she handled the sought after job of Regina George in the Broadway creation of Mean Young ladies, impelling her into the spotlight. This accomplishment not just set her situation in media outlets yet additionally prepared for her progress into film, remarkably procuring her a job in the 2024 film transformation of the hit melodic.

In 2021, Rapp wandered into the domain of TV, joining the cast of the Maximum parody series, The Experiences of School Young ladies. Growing her collection, she dug into music, delivering her presentation EP named Everything to Everyone in 2022, which got basic praise. Unflinching, Rapp kept on causing disturbances in the music business with the arrival of her full-length collection, Snow Holy messenger, in 2023. Anxious to associate with her developing fan base, she left on her debut visit, Everything to Everyone: The Principal Shows, charming crowds across the US in December 2022.

Rise to Fame

Rapp’s exceptional ability and steady responsibility moved her to win the lofty Best Entertainer grant at the eminent Jimmy Grants. Her surprising stage presence and certainty got awards from industry veterans like Laura Benanti, who gave her the regarded honor.

Known for her enthralling depiction, Rapp’s exhibition in Mean Young ladies got far reaching recognition, with New York Magazine portraying it as totally jolting, leaving the two crowds and her kindred cast individuals in complete profound respect of her unparalleled ability.

Renee Rapp’s Net worth

Starting around 2024, Renee Rapp brags a total assets $5 million, a demonstration of her exceptional outcome in the fields of acting, singing, and songwriting. Past acquiring acclaim from pundits and crowds the same, her abilities have converted into critical monetary thriving.

Without a doubt, Rapp encapsulates the pith of a flourishing entertainer, making progress on both inventive and monetary levels. Her process fills in as motivation, outlining the potential for huge achievement through devotion and ability in media outlets.

YearNet Worth (in millions)
2019$3.6 million
2020$3.8 million
2021$4.1 million
2022$4.4 million
2023$4.7 million
2024$5 million


  • Renee Rapp stands at a height of 5 feet 7 inches (170.18 centimeters).
  • Her height contributes significantly to her captivating presence on both stage and screen.
  • Rapp’s tall stature enhances her ability to command attention and captivate audiences.
  • Beyond her vocal and acting talents, her physical attributes add an extra layer of charm and versatility to her performances.
  • She maintains a commanding presence that translates seamlessly onto various media platforms.


How tall is Renee Rapp?

Renee Rapp is 5 feet 7 inches tall (170.18 centimeters).

How does Renee Rapp’s height contribute to her performances?

Renee Rapp’s height adds to her commanding presence on stage and screen, enhancing her ability to captivate audiences and command attention.

What are some notable achievements in Renee Rapp’s career?

Renee Rapp won the Best Actress award at the Blumey Awards and the Best Performance by an Actress title at the Jimmy Awards. She gained acclaim for her portrayal of Regina George in the Mean Girls musical and has released successful music projects.

Does Renee Rapp’s height affect her versatility as an entertainer?

While Renee Rapp’s height adds to her physical presence, her versatility as an entertainer comes from her talent, dedication, and range of skills rather than her height alone.


Renee Rapp, a versatile American entertainer, has made significant strides in the entertainment industry. Her portrayal of Regina George in the acclaimed Mean Girls musical on Broadway solidified her status as a rising star, and her talent transitioned onto the big screen with her role in the 2024 film adaptation. Rapp has also established herself as a formidable musical talent with the release of her EP “Everything to Everyone” and debut album “Snow Angel.” Additionally, she has ventured into television, captivating audiences with her performance in the comedy series “The Adventures of School Girls.” Rapp’s diverse talents, including her commanding presence at 5 feet 7 inches tall, continue to captivate audiences and make a lasting impact in the world of entertainment.

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